The Colorado Statewide Investment Program (CSIP or the Program) is an investment program that provides Colorado local governments with tools for meeting their cash flow and investment needs. The Program also offers educational resources, market reports and arbitrage rebate compliance services. Investments are offered through CSIP, a local government investment pool authorized under 24-75-701 et. seq. of the Colorado Revised Statutes.
CSIP offers a fully liquid, variable rate investment option known as the CSIP Liquid Portfolio, and the ability for participants to invest in shares of fixed-rate, fixed-term investments through the CSIP Term Portfolio. Investments in the CSIP portfolios seek to comply with those authorized under 24-75-601 et. seq. of the Colorado Revised Statutes.
Both the CSIP Liquid Portfolio and the Term Portfolio can be utilized for many types of government funds including general funds, operating funds, bond proceeds, debt service funds, operating reserves and debt service reserve funds. CSIP is managed by PFM Asset Management1 (PFMAM), which has more than 40 years of experience managing local government investment pools.
CSIP Liquid Portfolio Highlights
- A short-term portfolio rated AAAm by S&P Global2 and AAAmmf by Fitch Ratings3
- Daily liquidity
- 12:00 noon, Mountain Time, same-day wire transaction deadline
- 2:00 p.m. Mountain Time, next-day ACH transaction deadline
- Online transaction and reporting access available all the time
- No account minimum
- Availability to establish multiple accounts and multiple standing wire and ACH instructions
- Online transaction capability
- Unlimited investments and redemptions
- Arbitrage rebate compliance services for bond proceeds invested in CSIP
CSIP Term Portfolio Highlights
- A fixed-rate, fixed-term portfolio rated AAAf by Fitch Ratings4
- A variety of investment dates available to meet your specific cash flow needs
- Investments offered for maturity dates from 60 days to one year
- Investment principal and interest paid at maturity
- 12:00 noon Mountain Time, same-day investment deadline
- Online reporting access available
- $500,000 minimum initial investment, $100,000 subsequent minimum investment and $100,000 account minimum
- Automatic sweep of principal and interest into the CSIP Liquid Portfolio
For More Information
To learn more about how CSIP can meet your needs, please contact us today.
1 PFM Asset Management is a division of U.S. Bancorp Asset Management Inc., CSIP’s investment adviser and administrator, that services public sector clients.
2 S&P Global AAAm Rating: S&P evaluates a number of factors, including credit quality, market price, exposure, and management. Please visit for more information and ratings methodology.
3 Fitch AAAmmf Rating: portfolios with this rating denote the strongest capacity to achieve the investment objective of preserving principal and providing liquidity through limiting credit, market, and liquidity risk. Please visit for more information and ratings methodology
4 Fitch AAAf Rating: portfolios with this rating indicate having the highest underlying credit quality. Please visit for more information and ratings methodology.
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